Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Kiwi bird

Kiwi is pleased to present you with an amusing fact:

If you repeat kiwi over and over again and say it without spaces, it sounds like this:
which sounds like:

A wiki is a collection of web pages designed to enable anyone who accesses it to contribute or modify content, using a simplified markup language. Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites and to power community websites. For example, the collaborative encyclopedia Wikipedia is one of the best-known wikis. Wikis are used in businesses to provide affordable and effective intranets and for Knowledge Management.

Kiwi today went to Autodesk! There, kiwi got to see a multi-touch wall which costs US $160,000, enough to buy millions of kiwi fruit. The wall must be quite big, because kiwi can't reach the top and must fly. It allows people to grab objects and throw them around the screen using their hands. Kiwi wanted to try, but kiwi cannot reach.

Autodesk gave us autolunch. Kiwi is sad, because his friend chicken is on the plate.

Then kiwi went to the Computer History Museum. Here, kiwi got stuck in an infinite loop. Kiwi think that kiwi think that kiwi think that kiwi think that kiwi think [bzzzzt, kiwi see insect and fly away]

Kiwi! Think!

Kiwi also saw some very old memory. This was one of the earliest implementations of RAM. Nowadays memory comes in sticks, like cigarettes. But memory used to be very big.

This is the CRAY-2, which was the fastest supercomputer around back in 1985. It could do 1 to 2 gigaflops.

Nowadays, supercomputers can do teraflops. But kiwi can still only do 1 flop.

Signing off,

1 comment:

Welfare Quail said...

Why is kiwi still tagged? How cruel...