Sunday, June 15, 2008

Day 07, in LA

We began our day with a "cold" breakfast. The breakfast at this hotel is similar to the other one at Comfort Inn, though here offers more variety than the latter and colder (everything need to be heated before serving). After breakfast, we set off to Universal Studio and a whole day of fun awaits us! However, we did some detour to the Staples Stadium (stadium of LA Lakers), before we went to a street where there are many stars on the street floor, which is what I have seen on TV before. We went around the place, taking photos together with people dressed up as some Hollywood characters such as Catwoman, Spiderman, Charlie Chaplin, Supergirl, Zorro etc.

During the trip from the hotel to this street, based on what I have seen so far, I would say that LA is more developed than SF. There are more buildings in the city compared to SF, and there are many others that are being constructed.

After this Hollywood lane, we left for Universal Studio. I must admit that before coming here, I thought we were visiting another company as like before. However, this exceeded all my expectations as it is a place of entertainment. Being a place of entertainment, they're actually a business as well, making use of technology to enhance the visual and sound experience; I wonder how much money they earn per day.

The place is so wide that maybe the whole hill belongs to them! The studios here are also very versatile to an extend that any type of scene can be created here. I also feel that this is one of the most creative place too. Why? In order to make any special look real, they have to create their own props and equipments, which are not similar to what we’ve ever seen before, etc. For example, to create the airplane crashing scene, they've used 500 different effects! This also somehow explains the reason why film production costs so much and amounts to millions of dollars.

Here, we went to quite a few places that we had marked out before hand. We went (actually everyone) went on the Universal Studio Tour which was quite insightful as they showed what goes on behind-the-scenes. Also, the Water World show was also very nice with real actors from some of the well-known movies and TV serials. Shrek in 4D and Terminator 2 in 3D are also very nice too. I wonder how they make such 3D effects that looked so real.

The roller coasters rides we took in The Mummy and The Jurassic Park are quite exciting though not really scary, as we could not see anything much while we were moving fast. It was the same thing as just listen to the sound in a ghost movie.

The last place our group visited was the House of Horrors. There was nothing so special here, though the only thing that surprised me was when a stranger lady that I mistook for my group member jumped into me as she was frightened by the displays.


Ngee Ann Poly

Day 6-New horizon begins

Reached comfort inn at 7:30. Everyone deeped into sleep trying to recover after the long wonderful night before. Surprisingly,when the alarm clock rang, it took everyone less than 10 minutes to get up and be ready for breakfast. Usually, they need more time to prepare, but today is a special day, a new journey begins.

Today, we will leave SF and depart to another city. Looking back at the hotel, everything just flashed back in my mind about the time we had in SF. All the places i visited, the joy that i had, the new experience that I gained,together they appeared clearly on my mind. It's wonderful to be here to enjoy, learn and experience new things. "SF, im leaving now" said Jacqueline, one friend of mine. I believe it is also what every individual one of us wanted to say after 3 enjoyable days here, in SF.

The sadness of leaving SF is quickly replaced by the excitement. We are heading to LA, one of the most well-known city in America for its reputation in producing popular entertainment — such as motion picture, television, internet content, video games and recorded music. Our knowlegde will be widen tremendously when learning and observing what currently are happening in one of the world's centers of culture, technology, media, business, and international trade.

In the midst of travelling, we stopped at Gilroy. Ladies have their best day in the trip. We went to shop! Almost all the popular internationally brand's stores are located in this area. But what really matters are the price of the products. It's obviously less expensive and more updated models than what are available in Singapore right now. Now, instead of thinking what to buy, we started to think what not to buy. Everyone has a nice day to wander around and make up their mind what suits their needs best. However, due to time lacking issue, most of us did not have sufficient time to visit all the stores. Therefore, we have to rush in order to possibly purchase we are really interested in. It seemed to be chaotic and hassle for those who really wished to check out all the available stores. Even for me, though i only visit four or five stores, my lunch ended up eating MacDonald in the bus. Sigh, it's fast-food and burger again. Since when i got tired of burger i wondered. Basically, there are no differences between MacDonald in Singapore and America.They did a good job to maintain the original taste of the burger which explains why there are so many customers around the world enjoying their product. Nevermind, I am happy for my new stuffs =) . In fact, most of us had a nice shopping day.

After leaving Gilroy, we spent the rest of the day in the bus. It took six hours for us to transit from SF to LA. It's kind of bored after all. Six hours on the bus made me feel more tired as i could not do anything but sitting and waiting for the time to come, the time we arrives. Every now and then, we can enjoy the varied mountain scenery randomly. I have to admit the time spent on the bus was not totally useless as a matter of fact. We enjoyed the scenery, mountains, valley, lakes, and farms along the way.It explained how beauties of nature in America attracts more and more visitors coming here to enjoy their vacation. The nature takes it course automatically in beautifying the landscape in one of the biggest country in the world, how amazing !

Six hours is long enough for us to feel tired and hungry. It's time for dinner. After reaching LA, we had the wonderful time at the restaurant nearby. It was an international buffet meal. We had a chance to try and enjoy various kind of cusine in different parts of the world from Japanese sushi to Chinese fried rice and so on. We really enjoyed the dinner with abundant food to fill our empty stomach after such a long day.

After dinner, everyone was too tired and sleepy to plan to go out. All we wished to do is check in the room, watching T.V along with drinking a cup of hot chocolate and enjoying the coolness of the climate at night. Afterward is a good rest,and preparing for tomorrow.
Tomorrow will come with more joy and fun!!

Thank for reading till the end =))) ,
Bui Huy Quang Vu(Ngee Ann Polytechnic)